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Full Service Landscaping Corp Designs Beautiful Gardens in Lynnfield

The first step in any garden project is to assess your needs and figure out what you’re hoping to achieve with your new endeavor. Are you looking to create a relaxing space where you can soak up the sun, while the smell of flowers wafts under your nose? Is your intention to cultivate fresh fruits and vegetables? Is your garden going to serve a utilitarian purpose, an aesthetic one, or both?

If your current garden is not living up to your expectations, or you’re starting from scratch, there’s a whole world of possibility, depending on your goals. With an eye for the finer things, Full Service Landscaping Corp has become a top choice for Lynnfield residents looking to create a garden that goes above and beyond.

What to Consider for Your Lynnfield Garden

There are a few important things to take into account when you start dreaming up your Lynnfield garden. First of all, it’s key to look at the amount of sun your lawn receives. Is it constant throughout the day? Are there sections that receive little to no sunshine at all? Certain plants can flourish with very little light, but others require multiple hours of sun each day. Full Service Landscaping Corp’s skilled horticulturists will take this into consideration when they compile a list of plants that would be well-suited to your Lynnfield garden.

Another important aspect of your garden is the soil quality and acidity. Plants typically do best in soil that is at a pH of 6.5, but it is entirely possible that your soil is either more acidic or basic than this. Full Service Landscaping Corp will first take a sample to assess the soil’s acidity, and, with this figure in mind, either work to balance it out through the addition of various materials, like limestone or sulfur.

The final major consideration is how much time you are able to dedicate to your garden. If you’re constantly on the go, Full Service Landscaping Corp will carefully select lower-maintenance plants that will still look beautiful without requiring large amounts of attention.

Gardens Are About More Than Plants!

No matter how big or small your Lynnfield property is, there are elements you can add to your garden that aren’t necessarily plants. If you’re working with a larger plot of land and are looking to add a bit of flare to your garden, Full Service Landscaping Corp is able to install beautiful, tasteful fountains or statues. For smaller areas, a stone pathway connecting your garden to the rest of your lawn is a wonderful choice, and serves as a way to guide visitors around your property.

Contact Full Service Landscaping Corp Today and Get Your Dream Garden!

Our experienced landscape artists will work closely with you to craft the perfect garden for you. Whether it’s for a small plot of land or an entire lawn, Full Service Landscaping Corp approaches each project with the same amount of focus and dedication. Your satisfaction is our top priority; our job isn’t finished until you’re entirely happy with how your Lynnfield garden looks.

For beautiful Lynnfield gardens, people know to get in touch with Full Service Landscaping Corp. For a garden that truly shines, give us a call today!